Monday, 7 April 2014

O2 Mobile Recycling Reaches 1 Million

02 are one the largest network providers in the UK, providing their service to millions of members up and down the country. As one of the top network providers, having a commitment to a greener future is a commendable action, and 02 are certainly fulfilling that requirement. Having just (this weekend!) reached their 1 million mobile phones recycled target; many other network providers are looking into how they can also take a greener look on their business.

02’s recycle scheme which has now been active since 2009 has now saved 42,000 tonnes of C02. This means that it has only taken less than 5 years to save that amount. To put that statistic in to perspective for you, the same amount of c02 would be produced by 7000 homes in a twelve month period. This is a staggering amount of emissions saved, and it’s great to see proactive steps being taken by someone as large as 02.

According to 02, this hasn’t just been beneficial to the environment. The 02 scheme has also helped to provide funding for various projects up and down the UK, as part of its Think Big Youth program. The funding has gone to projects such as anti-violence campaigns, activity clubs and STEM outreach funding, this has helped so many different people up and down the country.

It’s amazing to see such a big operator giving back in these sorts of ways, and we can only hope that the providers in the UK take note of the great work 02 is putting back into our communities.

O2 iPhone

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